Running Injuries
At Sunup Physiotherapy, our trusted physiotherapists, chiropractors, and massage therapists understand that running is important to you and that an injury that interferes with your running regimen can be quite a nuisance.
That is why our team of professionals are specially trained to help you run better, recover from your running injuries faster and prevent running injuries before they start!
Physiotherapy for your Running Injuries
Our physiotherapists have a special interest in running injuries and have continued keen interest in running injury management and prevention. When you see one of our experienced physiotherapists for your running concerns, they will conduct a comprehensive assessment that is specifically relevant to running.
During the assessment the physiotherapist will gather information about your running habits. They will look closely at your gait, running biomechanics, footwear, muscle strength, mobility and functional movement strategies.
With this information, they will develop an individualized treatment plan that will help you recover from your injury and provide you with the knowledge and tools to prevent re-injury.
Your treatment plan may include manual therapies, stretching and mobilization of tissues and structures that have limited mobility. You may also receive shockwave therapy in order to stimulate tissue healing in injured areas that may no longer be responding to your body’s natural healing processes.
If required, your physiotherapist may give you advice on footwear and other external factors such as running terrain and running frequency. They will teach you exercises to improve muscle imbalances and your running technique.
They may also suggest an appropriate warm up and cool down regimen that will help your muscles prepare for a run and recover after your run. Ultimately, your running treatment program will be individualized and catered to address your specific concerns and issues.
If necessary, your physiotherapist will refer you to other professionals that will complement the physiotherapy and get you better faster.
Contact us today to book your initial consultation.
Massage Therapy for your Running Injuries
Massage therapy can complement physiotherapy treatment when you are recovering from a running injury. Massage can help to soften your fascia and other connective tissues as well as helping to relax tight and overworked muscles. This is particularly important for runners who rely on limber muscles and joints in order to reach higher limits with running.
Shockwave Therapy for your Running Injuries
Some running injuries can be stubborn and difficult to resolve. Shockwave therapy can be used to stimulate the body’s natural inflammatory response and accelerate soft tissue healing.
Some running injuries that are effectively treated with Shockwave Therapy include plantar fasciitis, patellar tendonitis, achilles tendonitis and hamstring strains among others. Ask your registered physiotherapist if Shockwave Therapy might benefit you.
Prevention is the Key to Success
If you are a runner then you know that sustaining an injury can be such a nuisance and can interfere with your regular running regimen. That’s why we recommend adopting strategies that promote injury prevention. Book an appointment with one of our registered physiotherapists who will assess your body, analyze your running habits and provide you with an individualized plan to prevent running injuries.
Your plan may include specific strengthening exercises, a dynamic warm up routine, a cool down program, self-massage techniques, suggestions on footwear and recommendations for running programs and more…
Running Injury Services are offered at Sunup Physiotherapy. Prevent and/or treat those nagging running injuries that are limiting your potential and your performance. These services may be covered by your extended health insurance policy. Contact us today to book your initial consultation with one of our experienced practitioners.
Baseball Injuries
Baseball is a competitive sport between two opposing teams that is played with a bat and leather ball. The main movements that are part of this sport are sprinting, crossover running, shuffling, and rotational movements such as throwing. These movements are usually in short spurts which can then be followed by long periods of rest. Movement within this sport can be different depending on the player’s position. For instance, a pitcher will be using maximal force repetitively every few minutes versus an outfielder who will use explosive sprinting with jumping or squatting less frequently. Therefore, the players bodies need to be conditioned to be able to handle these biomechanical forces to decrease the risk of injury.
Unfortunately like in any competitive or even recreationally played sport, there are common injuries that baseball players experience. The most common injuries in baseball players are:
Although all sports come with a risk of injury, the good news is we can prevent these injuries and also treat them if they do occur. As health care professionals our main focus is to make sure these athletes are prepared to be able to go out and play the sport safely and in optimal fitness for the forces they will encounter on the field. There are many ways in which we can prevent injury with our patients.
When beginning the process of conditioning an athlete to be strong and play without injury or helping them to recover from an injury it’s important to go through a series of steps.
1. Medical History
This allows the clinician to have a better idea of the big picture of the athlete’s previous injuries and any pain or weaknesses they are dealing with. This helps to direct the physical and plan of management.
2. Functional Screening
In this portion of the assessment, the clinician will test range of motion, neurologic, orthopaedic, as well as functional movements specific to baseball. From there they can determine any imbalances in the athlete’s range of motion, strength, flexibility and/or any painful areas.
3. Plan of Management
After completing the history and physical exam, this allows our Chiropractors or Physiotherapists to be able to come up with a plan of management. When implementing their care plan they will approach it using Manual Therapy, Education, Strengthening Exercises and Mobility Exercises.
Manual Therapy
Chiropractors and Physiotherapists use a series of techniques that help to optimize the movement and function of the body. These techniques are focused on the nervous system, muscles and joints. We are highly trained to work on soft tissue to help release any tension or tightness, mobilize and adjust joints in order to allow them to move without restriction. All of the following allow improved range of motion, speed recovery or prevent injury.
Education, Strengthening Exercises and Mobility Exercises
Within a plan of management, it is crucial your Chiropractor or Physiotherapist to educate you on why they are doing the technique so you understand the goal. It is important that the athlete feels autonomous in the process so they can learn to know exactly what they need to be at the top of their performance. The following are some specific strengthening exercises and mobility work that help with certain areas of the movements in baseball.
Shoulder Mobility: Wall 90/90s
This exercise is important to open up the shoulder joint and increase flexibility in the upper back. This is beneficial for throwing and catching.
Hip Mobility: Windshield Wipers
This hip mobility exercise is important for any type of athlete but is especially important for pitchers. When a pitcher throws the ball 50-60% of the force comes from the legs, 60% of the speed comes from their core and under 40% comes from the shoulder. Therefore if there is a reduction of function in the lower extremity then there is a significantly higher amount of stress on the shoulder. So as you can imagine this means that hip mobility is incredibly important for a pitcher so they can save their shoulder from becoming fatigued, or worse, injured.
Agility: Plyometric Training
Plyometric training is any exercise involving repeated rapid stretching and contracting of muscles (as by jumping and rebounding) to increase muscle power.
This type of training is the best kind for baseball players because it mimics the quick movement required during a game. This allows for their bodies to be prepared for any fast and high intensity movements while playing.
Finally, it is not only important to make sure that the players are conditioned properly to reduce the risk of injury, but there are other safety procedures that can help as well. These are some tips that allow a more safe game:
If you have any questions or are interested in improving your game, contact us and one of our Chiropractors or Physiotherapists will be happy to be involved in optimizing your movement to match the level of play you want to be at. We are also here to help you recover from injury and prevent it from recurring in the future.
Squash Injuries
Squash is a racket sport played by two players in a four-walled court with a small, hollow rubber ball. The players alternate in hitting the ball onto the playable surfaces that includes the four walls. The objective of the sport is to hit the ball in a way that the other player is unable to return the shot.
To be conditioned for the sport, a player should have good lower body and arm/shoulder strength. The movements are fast and a player must sprint, jump, pivot and lunge from side to side due to lots of quick and explosive multidirectional movements. At the same time, the player must execute small or big racket swings and add speed to each shot they quickly bend their wrist while hitting the ball. All these movements combined are challenging the body’s centre and the deep core muscles of the trunk need to be strong to be able to move and place the joints of the upper and lower body efficiently.
What are Common Squash Injuries?
Tendon Injuries
Golfers Elbow (medial epicondylitis)
Golfers elbow is a type of tendinitis that affects the inside of the elbow and forearm. The muscles in the front of the forearm tendons connect to the inside of the elbow and are responsible for wrist flexion. Some symptoms include: discomfort/pain on the inside of the elbow, inflammation on the inside of the elbow, hand and wrist weakness, difficulty moving the elbow. Everyday activities such as picking up items, shaking hands, or grasping to open a door can be painful.
Tennis Elbow (lateral epicondylitis)
Tennis elbow is a type of tendinitis that affects the outside of the elbow and back of the forearm. The forearm muscles responsible for wrist extension have become overused and inflamed. Some symptoms include: swelling, pain extending from the outside of the elbow down to the forearm and wrist, weak grip, pain when lifting something, using tools, or twisting motions such as opening jars.
Jumper’s Knee (Patellar tendinitis)
Jumper’s knee is a common injury or inflammation of the tendon that connects your knee cap (patella) to your shin bone (tibia). Common injury that is frequently seen amongst athletes in sports such as volleyball, basketball, running and racket sports. Symptoms include pain, tenderness and inflammation at the base of the knee cap. Actions such as kneeling, squatting or lunges can be painful.
Achilles Tendonitis
Achilles tendonitis is a common squash injury. The calf muscles are in high demand with the lower body movements in squash. They must be strong and powerful to have explosive force transferred through them without tearing. If you are developing pain in the bottom of your calf or heel then this is something you will need to be assessed for. It is important to get treated early so it heals quickly and does not lead to a long term injury or ruptured tendon.
Muscle Strains
Muscle strains is another common squash injury. The quick movements, changes in directions, improper warm ups, or weak muscles can lead to a muscle being pulled during the activity. Commonly seen in the hips, calves, shoulders, wrist and elbow.
Joint Sprains
Ankle Sprains
Ankle sprains occur due to the rapid stop and change in directions and jumping in squash. Players can roll their ankle which can result in a sprain to the ligaments.
Acrominalclavicular Joint Sprains and Dislocation (i.e. Separated Shoulder)
Acrominalclavicular joint sprains and dislocation (i.e. separated shoulder) is characterized by discomfort at the tip of the shoulder. The ligaments that attach from your shoulder to your collarbone are injured with a direct impact. This can occur when the player either dives or collides with the wall for a shot.
Low Back Injuries
The sport is physically demanding with lots of powerful spinal twists and bends. A player could sprain or injure their lower back easily due to these repeated movement patterns. Especially if there is an underlying injury or deconditioning of the back and core muscles.
How can a Physiotherapist, Chiropractor or Massage Therapist help you recover from a Squash Injury?
A health care professional can help with preventing injuries or treating them once sustained from playing squash. Your practitioner will begin with a thorough assessment to understand why you came in, the demands of your sport and your lifestyle. Your practitioner will look at the mechanics of your movement patterns, the range of motion of your joints, your muscle strength and any soft tissue adhesions. They will treat your injury with hands on manual therapy, soft tissue release and prescribed rehabilitation exercises. They may also incorporate modalities such as shockwave therapy, acupuncture, dry needling or machines to aid in healing. They will help you recover as quickly as possible and guide you to prevent injury in the future.
How to Warm-Up for Squash to Prevent Injury?
In squash, because of the use of your legs, shoulders/arms and core, a good warm-up would be to start with some light running and walking lunges. This warm-up will get increased blood flow to your muscles that will be in use during activity. You will want to incorporate some spinal twists, especially in the bottom of a lunge to mimic the commonly-used position during sport. Then, performing wrist rotations, hip swings, shoulder rotations, easy racket swings in the air and eventually leading to light rallies of hitting the wall before you begin the match. Other movement warm ups would be to get the player to practice the movements/footwork used in squash such as lunging in all directions, back, front and side shuffling.
What Exercises Can I do to Prevent Injuries while playing Squash?
Lower Body Exercises
Upper Body Exercises
This exercise is important to open up the shoulder joint and increase flexibility in the upper back. This is beneficial for throwing and catching.
If you enjoy playing squash and want to remain injury-free, it is important that you be proactive and prevent injury in the first place. This can be done with a regular strength training routine and a proper warm-up and cool-down (stretches) that target key areas used.
If you are injured while playing squash do not continue to play and address any pain lasting longer than 2-3 days. Contact us today to see one of our experienced physiotherapists, chiropractors or Registered Massage Therapists.
Weight Lifting Injuries
Weight lifting is a common form of exercise which many people perform to get stronger, increase their muscle mass, improve fitness, and lose weight. Weightlifting has been known to not only allow individuals to physically be in shape and esthetically look better, but it is good for mental health as well. However, there are some associated risks with weight lifting that we will summarize along with ways to prevent them.
Weight lifting involves lifting, pushing, and pulling of resistance to target specific muscles in our body. Some lifts involve a single joint movement (i.e. Bicep curls) and some involve multi-joint movements 0r compound exercises (i.e. Squats). What is most important about weight lifting is making sure the exercises are performed with proper form. Most common injuries in weight lifting occur when weights are repetitively lifted with incorrect form and put unnecessary forces through the joints and soft tissue.
What are the Common Injuries Experienced with Weight Lifting?
Some of the most common injuries from weight lifting involve the three main areas of the body. They include shoulder injuries, lower back injuries and knee injuries.
Shoulder Injuries caused by Weight Lifting
Shoulder injuries are very common when various shoulder exercises are performed with incorrect form. The most common shoulder injury is an impingement syndrome. This injury is an inflammation of the rotator cuff or bicep tendon that is caused by improper technique used during overhead lifting exercises such as bench press and shoulder press. You can also get strain and sprain of ligaments, tendons, and muscles that control the shoulder joint.
Lower Back Injuries caused by Weight Lifting
The low back is the area of the body that is most commonly injured from weight lifting. Low back injuries that occur can range from minor sprain and strain to a disc herniation. Exercises that involve the low back such as squats and deadlifts require proper technique and load to perform due to the amount of forces that goes through the back. A low back injury such as disc herniation can cause signification amount of pain and functional disability, which may take months to recover.
Knee Injuries caused by Weight Lifting
Another part of the body that is commonly injured is the knee. Knee injuries can occur when exercises like lunges, squats, jumps, and knee extensions are performed incorrectly. Knee injuries that can develop include patellar tendinitis, sprain/strain, and meniscus tear, patellofemoral pain syndrome.
How can a Chiropractor or Physiotherapist Help with Weight Lifting Injuries?
Chiropractors and Physiotherapists at Sunup Physiotherapy can easily recognize signs and symptoms of weight lifting related injuries through detailed history taking and physical examination. Our Chiropractors and Physiotherapists have the ability to not only treat the injuries that have been resulted from weight lifting, but they can also find out what caused the injuries to begin with. Whether the injury is improper form, weak core stabilizing muscles, muscle imbalances, etc., therapists at Sunup can find out what the issues are and develop an individualized treatment plan to correct them. They not only focus on treating the pain and injuries, but they also emphasize getting their patients back to their activities as soon as possible and educating them to prevent future injuries.
What are some Good Stretches for a Weight Lifter to Perform?
Stretching should be an important part of everyone’s weight lifting session. Prior to any workout it is important to do a light cardio and mobility exercises as it gets your blood flowing to the muscles and warms up the joints. This can include dynamic (move in-and-out) stretches. Following a weight lifting workout, it is important to stretch your worked muscle groups. This will ensure the muscle will become strong but not short. Post-workout stretches should be repeated on both sides of the body. Some of the more basic stretching that can be done pre and post workout are:
What are some Strengthening Exercises I can do to Prevent Weight Lifting Injuries?
The most common strengthening exercises that should be performed to prevent weight lifting injuries include core stabilization exercises and glute exercises.
Core Stabilization Exercise to Prevent Weight Lifting Injuries
Glute Exercises to Prevent Weight Lifting Injuries
Weight lifting is an excellent activity to get in shape, become stronger, and keep your mind and body healthy. However, with any activity, anyone who is new to it should get guidance from a certified trainer or health professional to develop good form and techniques. Most importantly, to prevent injury in weight lifting you must focus on developing proper technique early, breathing properly and progressing gradually to higher weight levels.
If you are suffering from a weight lifting injury, contact us today to see one of our experienced chiropractors or physiotherapists.
Golf Injuries
The golf swing is a combination of complex movements. It is so complex that even professional golfers can appear to have regressed to their worst amateur days if they are injured or having an “off” day. When proper biomechanics occur during a swing, it can look smooth and effortless. The body’s ability to coordinate muscle groups in order to generate power to drive the golf ball with accuracy and great distance is impressive.
Like all sports, golf can come with an added risk of many different injuries due to its highly repetitive nature and rotational forces. If you start feeling pain or restrictions in your movement at some point in your golf swing, it’s helpful to understand what your body is doing. You can break down a golf swing into phases; this can help you identify when you feel your pain and what the demand on your body is. Your health care professional (ie. Physiotherapist, Chiropractor or Registered Massage Therapist) can help you identify this and better focus your treatment. They will also prescribe exercises that would be best suited in addressing the motion(s) at which you feel your pain.
Phases of a Golf Swing
The takeaway from these information is that if you can point to your pain, and then your therapist will identify which phase of the golf swing you have the pain, it can help with diagnosis and optimal recovery.
Common Golf Injuries
Three common golf injuries include Medial Epicondylitis (a.k.a. Golfer’s Elbow), knee pain and back pain.
Medial Epicondylitis or “Golfer’s Elbow”
Medial Epicondylitis or Golfer’s elbow is pain felt close to the bony bump on the inside part of the elbow due to inflammation of the wrist tendons. The pain can travel down the inside part of the forearm and is often accompanied by muscle tightness along the inside of the arm.
Treatment for Golfer’s Elbow by a Physiotherapist, Chiropractor or Registered Massage Therapist
A Physiotherapist and or Chiropractor will help diagnose this condition and can help you throughout your recovery. Treatment may include manual therapy, modalities including Shockwave therapy or Acupuncture, bracing/taping techniques, therapeutic exercises and education to help speed healing time.
Massage therapy techniques will address the whole arm in general, where deep techniques will be applied to any tight muscles surrounding the shoulder, elbow, and especially the forearm. Pin and Stretch or Active Release Techniques to the inside part of the elbow at the muscle closest to the tendon can help to decrease the local pain, and promote tissue mobility and health in the area. Dynamic cupping (sliding a silicone cup), along the inside part of the forearm, where tension/tightness is present, can also compliment Massage and Pin and Stretch techniques. Since Massage Therapy is composed of numerous compressive techniques, cupping can offer up added therapeutic value since it decompresses the soft tissue and fascia mobilizing the area in a different direction.
How to treat Golfer’s Elbow at home?
Local contrast bath to control swelling/pain
If the injury is experienced within the last 24-48 hours, warm/cool contrast hydrotherapy can be helpful.
Home Exercises for Golfer’s Elbow
Stretch: Wrist Flexors
Strengthen: Wrist Curls (banded or weighted for flexors and extensors)
Knee Pain from Golf
If you’ve followed the career of Tiger Woods, you may recall early on in his career he had a number of knee surgeries to remove cysts in his knees and arthroscopic surgery to repair his ACL (anterior cruciate ligament). Knee pain is quite common in golfers, and occurs for various reasons:
Often, knee pain in golfers is felt on the inside of the knee and/or across the kneecap due to rotational forces.
Treatment for Knee Pain in Golfers by a Physiotherapist, Chiropractor or Registered Massage Therapist
A Physiotherapist and or Chiropractor will help diagnose what structures of your knee are causing pain condition and can help you throughout your recovery. They may refer you to physician for more imaging if needed but they will start treatment right away. Treatment may include manual therapy, modalities including Shockwave therapy or Acupuncture/Dry needling, bracing/taping techniques, therapeutic exercises and education to help speed healing time.
Massage Therapy for knee pain will likely focus on structures around the knee in addition to above and below. Working on improving hip and ankle mobility will be important. When the hips are not mobile and strong, the knee works harder to stabilize the hip. Deep tissue techniques applied to the low back, gluteal, quadriceps, hamstrings and adductors (inside thigh muscles), can improve hip movement. Range of motion exercises for the hip and joint mobilizations to the low back and hips can help to improve mobility, making it easier on the knees.
How to treat Knee Pain at home?
Local contrast bath to control swelling/pain
If the injury is experienced within the last 24-48 hours, warm/cool contrast hydrotherapy can be helpful.
Home Care/Exercises for Knee Pain
Strengthen: Adductors Squats
Strengthen: Standing calf raise with heel squeeze
Strengthen Full lower leg chain, improves balance, And Proprioception: single leg stance on a unstable surface
Back Pain from Golf
Back pain is the most common injury or complaint from golfers. Pain can be felt in the lower, middle, upper back. Often with back pain, golfers report a restricted range of motion at one or more phases of the golf swing. Common areas of back pain in golfers:
Treatment for Back Pain in Golfers by a Physiotherapist, Chiropractor or Registered Massage Therapist
A Physiotherapist and or Chiropractor will help diagnose this condition and can help you throughout your recovery. Treatment may include manual therapy, manipulation of the spine, modalities including Shockwave Therapy, Acupuncture or Dry needling, therapeutic exercises and education to help speed healing time.
Joint mobilizations for the sacroiliac joint will help assist with hip and low back mobility, which is important for generating torque through the pelvis, whereas joint mobilizations to the scapulae and shoulder joint will help maintain the backswing and follow-through phases of the swing.
A Massage therapist can apply deep tissue techniques on your back. It’s important to Massage the whole back, even if the pain is only presenting in one area of the back. This is to ensure tissue health surrounding the full spinal column is mobile. It is important to also address the chest and glut muscles and around the shoulder and hip as well to help ensure there are no restrictions in movement through the different phases of the golf swing.
Passive, assisted stretches to the quadratus lumborum (QL) muscles, and hip flexors will complement the hip and SI joint mobilizations, while passive, assisted stretches to the pectoral muscles are a good follow up to the deep tissue techniques.
Home Exercises for Back Pain
Strengthen: Full lower leg chain, single leg stance on a unstable surface
Mobility: Thread the Needle
Mobility with Stretch: Standing lunge, side bend stretches (for QL muscle)
Proactive treatment which can include regular Massage therapy and is a great way to maintain or improve the quality of movement of your golf swing, allowing the potential to hit your peak distance on your drives! If you are interested in improving your game or have a nagging injury related to golf, our professionals are here to help! Contact us today!
Happy Golfing!