We follow a thorough process with each of our patients

Your first physiotherapy visit

  • Thorough Assessment

We talk in-depth about your problem and thoroughly evaluate your movements, muscles, joints and nervous tissue.

  • Answers to all your questions

We’ll answer your most pressing questions about what is causing your pain, what you can do for it, how we can help you, and how long it will take you to get better.

  • A plan for recovery

You’ll come away with a clear understanding of your diagnosis and a plan for recovery.

For your initial assessment, we ask that you arrive 10-15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment to complete all required paperwork. In doing so, this will allow your therapist to devote the full session time to thoroughly assess, discuss, examine and treat your area(s) of concern. 

Your first appointment can be broken down into two phases:

  • The Assessment

During the assessment, you and the therapist will review the history of your injury, mechanism of your injury, and your past medical history. The therapist will then assess the area of concern. By the end of the session the therapist will provide you with a diagnosis, determine a prognosis, provide education on the condition and recommend a home program to facilitate your rehabilitation.

  • Treatment

During the treatment phase of the session, your goals will be discussed and treatment will be provided to jump start your recovery.

We ask our patients to wear un-restrictive clothing to allow for access to the area of injury. We recommend shorts and t-shirt/tank top.

We also ask to bring the items listed below

  • Please arrive 10-15 minutes before your first appointment to complete the forms in-clinic.
  • Any relevant test/imaging reports, doctors referral note, or medical documentation that may be helpful to your treatment.
  • Your extended healthcare benefits card to allow for direct billing to your insurer (optional).
  • If your condition is related to WCB or MVA, please provide your claim number, case manager’s contact details, and extended health benefits info.

Contact us or book an appintment with specialist