Sports Injury Recovery and Prevention

We provide sports physiotherapy to athletes at Sunup Physiotherapy near Rosslyn in North Edmonton. Injured athletes have been trusting us to manage their pain for years. They include athletes of all levels from recreational to pro; but most of all, people who just love staying active and don’t want to be sidelined.

We can help you if 

  • You are frustrated by a nagging pain or injury and game day is fast approaching
  • You have a persistent injury that keeps coming back showing no sign of recovery
  • You’ve tried exercises and stretches from the Internet, but they didn’t help ease your pain
  • You have rested for weeks thinking your injury will resolve itself
  • You’ve been told to stop training but you’re concerned how this will impact your training progress
  • You have tight muscles that you think may be preventing you from performing your best
  • You are injured but itching to play

acute injuries

  • Shoulder/Rotator Cuff injuries
  • Wrist/Thumb Sprain
  • Groin pull
  • Hamstring strain
  • ACL tear/Meniscal Injury
  • Ankle Sprain
  • Back/Neck pain
  • and many more

overuse injuries

  • Tennis or Golfer’s elbow
  • Sciatica
  • IT band syndrome
  • Knee Pain (Patellofemoral Syndrome)
  • Shin splints
  • Achilles tendonitis
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • and many more

We’ve helped many athletes who have sustained injuries from

Field Hockey

How we’ll help you

Help you get back to sport

Our main aim is to get you back to sport as soon as possible.

We closely monitor your progress, focusing on building strength and stability.

This requires a proper assessment and a precise diagnosis.

Help you prevent re-injury

Our second goal is not just to get you better but to prevent re-injury.

We understand the body’s biomechanics required by your sport.

We’ll set functional goals to strengthen your body’s ability to withstand the forces that led to the initial injury.

Help your injury heal faster

Physiotherapy stimulates the body’s natural healing process

Heal faster, minimize re-injury

Physiotherapy will help you get back to sport in the least amount of time and minimizes the chances of re-injury. Resting may make your pain go away but rehabilitating sports injuries is not about making you pain free, it’s about healing.

When you injure a muscle or a ligament the body repairs itself by building up scar tissue around the injury site. It is like glue to keep a muscle tear together. Unfortunately, scar tissue is brittle and the injury site becomes prone to re-injury.

Physiotherapists have knowledge of advanced techniques to minimize scar tissue formation. This will not only get you recovered from your injury faster, but will ensure that you minimize the chances of you becoming injured again.

Be active in your own recovery

It may surprise you that rest is not always the best way to treat injuries.

Other health care professionals may tell you that you need to rest to recover from your injury and to stop your activity. Being fully sidelined is just not an option for many athletes.

We think of “rest” is a relative concept. It may simply mean reducing your training volume.

But Movement is key because it puts a small amount of load on the injured tissue, helping the new tissue grow in an organized fashion.

It may surprise you that, depending on your injury, your recovery plan may include training more often!!!

Contact us or book an appintment with specialist